DS Aware™, informed decision-making for better outcomes

Decision support and analytics for patient-centered care

Patients are suffering avoidable cardiovascular complications in hospital…

Growing clinical study evidence has exposed substantial complication rates in surgery and intensive care caused by preventable cardiovascular instability

Complications include kidney, heart and brain injury and death

  1. Acute kidney injury and myocardial injury strongly associated with low blood pressure, Salmasi et al 2017 https://doi.org/10.1097/aln.0000000000001432
  2. Mortality associated with low blood pressure, Stapelfeldt et al 2017 https://doi.org/10.1213/ANE.0000000000001797

Our solution

DS Aware™ helps anesthesia professionals monitor their patients during surgery, helping them assess when hypotension is likely to happen, and giving them the information they need to take the right actions to stop it happening and to avoid the dangerous complications for their patients.

  • FDA cleared1,2 point of care copilot for each patient case
  • Cloud data collection & analysis platform for quality improvement & research
  • Off-the-shelf Windows tablet pre-loaded with our software
  • Plug and play with existing hospital monitors & IT
  • Cloud-based automatic copilot software updating
  • Customer up and running within 1 day
  • Cloud analytics collects and analyses customer patient data for clinical quality improvement and research

How it works

  • FDA-cleared diagnostic software-as-medical device installed
    on medical tablet PC
  • Connects to patient monitor through digital USB or
    network connections
  • Streams blood pressure waveform signal from the patient monitor
    on A-lines with standard transducer
  • Clinician-set targets for mean arterial pressure (MAP)
  • Processes data through our smart algorithms:
  • Advanced signal quality analysis
  • High-quality, artefact-free information
  • Cumulative hypotension times at different MAP thresholds
  • Changes in cardiac output and systemic vascular resistance derived from the blood pressure waveform 
  • Innovative visualizations in a highly intuitive user interface, with minimal training needed
  • Assists anesthesia professionals optimize cardiovascular care moment-to-moment during procedures and within targets